The Power of Daily Choices
Morning Ignite ~ E2T Explore, Experience, Thrive
Most people walk through life not realizing they are victims to their own minds. We all have constant thoughts that create stories in our heads. We’re mad at this person because they haven’t given us what we needed, or they didn’t show up in the way we expected them too.
We’re upset with the scale and what we look like, so we give up on our fitness goals for the day because it’s just too hard to keep battling ourselves. We say in our minds, “Tomorrow I’ll do better, but today I deserve this binge.”
We can believe in our failure because we’re stuck in a situation we hate and we can continue to tell the story of being a victim.
Choices come at every second. They are there when we decide if we’re having that fourth cup of coffee, or what we listen to in the morning.
The choice if we’re going to be distracted by our phones 5 million times, not getting what we need to get done in any given hour, and then feeling overwhelmed by how busy we are, or if we are going to be ultra-focused kicking a little tail so that we have more time for fun.
Oftentimes instead of making these choices, we let our minds wander, telling us stories of problems, and we make our choices from emotional reactions from what’s happening to us instead of controlling our own lives.
The decisions we think that are out of our control: to be happy; to be joyful; to experience life to its fullest each day; to commit to our dreams and their attainment; how we feel about ourselves; what job we do; who we spend our time with- for the most part as a society we have relegated these choices to outside influences.
- Our boss is miserable and doesn’t see our worth, so therefor we can never get ahead.
- We’re tired all the time, because life is too stressful, so we choose to binge watch watch Netflix all Sunday.
These stories take away our power.
But when we recognize how many choices we make in one day. . .
Well then we get to see the power we have in our lives.
Once we take that power back, well then life becomes ours for the winning and enjoying.
Today see the choices you make. And decide, is this what I desire? Does it make me happy? Does it improve my health? Does it make me fall in love with life or am I enjoying the drama of being upset?
When you start noticing the decisions you make about your thoughts, your actions, your reactions, you then begin to make the choices that enhance your life instead of being trapped in a victim mentality.
Add a goal, or a deep desire for your life make an actual plan to obtain your dreams, and keep your choices move towards the goal, and suddenly it’s like having a magic wand for life. You get to see the progress of your journey each and every day.
What will you choose today in every moment? The path to your dreams, or the continual tossing around by reactionary thoughts?
It’s your choice!