Put Your Dreams On Your Daily Task List

Marci Nault
3 min readAug 23, 2019


How to achieve your dreams today not someday

Image by 11066063 From Pixabay

I’m looking at the calendar and I’m rather upset that it’s the end of August. Here in New England that means the summer is coming to a close.

New England summers are all about experiencing the goodness of life as deeply as you can before the long dark days of winter return. There’s camping trips, and weeks at the beach. Nights at ice cream stands on Cape Cod, and lobster bakes at Maine roadside shacks that only stay open until Labor Day.

There are mountains to hike, and coastlines to explore. There are long days at the beach playing in the waves.

As I look at the calendar, I realize there are so many activities that I didn’t experience and I only have a few weeks left. I know if I don’t plan out the time, they won’t take place.

I look at the dates. A camping trip with my niece up in Maine can check off many of the items. We can drive along the coast, hit the lobster places, surf in the waves, climb mountains, and white water kayak.

Cape Cod will have to be in early September. Oh shoot, how am I going to fit in going to Burlington, VT and Montreal? There isn’t enough time with my schedule already overbooked.

Summer slipped by very quickly without me registering how much time I was losing.

Life is the same way.

The years go by fast, and suddenly you’re looking at everything you wanted to feel, see, experience, and do on this huge playground called earth, and you’re wondering what happened to those dreams.

We task out so much minutia in our lives: pay the bills, clean the house, pick up the dry cleaning, get that work project done.

Yet we haven’t been taught to task out our dreams. The things that really matter at the end of our lives, and that make us fall in love with the life we have.

What if on every To-Do List, we also put down small and big dreams.

Each and every month if we completed at least one dream on our Bucket List, or a new activity we wanted to try, or that day trip to the beach we keep putting off, then at the end of the year, we’d have completed twelve different experiences that built our confidence, made us feel amazing, and created a meaningful memory, that infused us with the love of living.

Over a lifetime, whether we have 30 years or 70 years left to live, that’s a whole lot of experiences to have completed, that cause us to never look back and say, “I wish I’d done that.”

So today, I challenge you to put at least one dream on your task list for this month, and make the plan to complete it.



Marci Nault
Marci Nault

Written by Marci Nault

Author of The Lake House (S&S), founder E2T Adventures, world traveler, figure skater, white water kayaker, dancer, keynote speaker. www.e2tadventures.com

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